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Business mileage rates – who can claim and how much does HMRC allow? Image of a driver on a dark night | Crunch

Business mileage rates – who can claim and how much does HMRC allow? Free business mileage claim form.


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    When you’re self-employed, either as a sole trader or the director of your own limited company, claiming business mileage is a bit of a no-brainer; as an allowable business expense, claiming business mileage means you can reduce the amount of tax you need to pay.

    Recording your business mileage and understanding the records you need to keep can be a challenge for many new business owners, but it doesn't have to be.

    If you're looking to claim business mileage as a limited company, or as a sole trader, let's discuss what business mileage is, what the current UK mileage rates are, how to make a mileage claim, and how Crunch can help you make claiming business mileage as a limited company easier than ever before.

    Download our Free Business Mileage Claim form spreadsheet

    Free business mileage claim form spreadsheet (2023/24)

    Free business mileage claim form spreadsheet (2022/23)

    Free business mileage claim form spreadsheet (2021/22)

    What is classed as business mileage?

    Business mileage covers the miles you travel for business purposes, such as travelling to a client. You must only claim for journeys that are “wholly and exclusively” for business purposes – your daily commute or any personal trips taken in your vehicle don’t count!

    Business mileage is an expense which reduces your company or sole trade profits, and therefore the amount of tax you pay at the end of the year. In short, claiming business miles is good news for you and your business.

    Who can claim business mileage?

    Both sole traders and limited companies can claim business mileage. If you have an employee, they would be able to claim from you as their employer. If you don’t pay them business mileage, or you pay them less than the HMRC approved mileage rates, they can make a claim to HMRC at the end of the tax year for the difference.

    How much can be claimed as business mileage?

    It’s usually best to claim back your mileage using the HMRC approved mileage allowance payments (AMAP rates on The AMAP rates include the general running costs of your car like maintenance and insurance.

    Here are the current HMRC business mileage rates for cars, vans, motorcycles, and bikes:

    Mode of transport

    First 10,000 miles

    Over 10,000 miles

    Car/van £0.45 £0.25
    Motorcycles £0.24 £0.24
    Bikes* £0.20 £0.20

    *Only limited companies can claim business mileage for bikes – not sole traders

    HMRC do not allow business mileage to be claimed by sole traders using a bicycle, which is rather unfortunate for those green-minded among you, or even cycle couriers. However, you may be able to claim the costs of buying a bicycle for work and consumables such as tyres or maintenance. Any personal use of the bicycle is likely to reduce the amount you can claim. It’s best to speak to an accountant or your local tax office to confirm what you can claim.

    It’s important to keep a record of all business journeys you make as evidence to support any claim you make. Then, you'll be able to generate an estimated figure for the amount you'll pay using our mileage tax calculator.

    What evidence is needed to claim business mileage?

    Fortunately, it’s a pretty simple process. To ensure that you can claim back mileage as a sole trader, director, or for your employees, the following records should be kept:

    • A log of the date of each journey and location
    • The number of business miles covered.

    How to calculate business mileage costs - use our free business mileage claim form spreadsheet

    The easiest way to record your journeys and work out how much you can claim is on a business mileage claim form spreadsheet - ours is free and easy to use!

    Download our easy to use mileage spreadsheet for the current and previous tax years that will record and calculate your business mileage in a professional format, making it easy to claim back. We recommend you establish a system of regularly recording expense claims and being paid back your costs from your business, perhaps on a monthly basis.

    An HMRC inspection will involve checking that your entire expense claim system is fit for purpose. This means relevant receipts are retained to support corresponding claims, and the amount of expenses recorded in your company accounts or sole trader records match the amount claimed. It’s important you keep all relevant records whether it’s for you as the company director, a sole trader or an employee claiming mileage.

    My new business hasn't got any funds to reimburse mileage expenses

    It is often the way that, as a brand new business, you'll have expenses to pay before you've earned any money for the company. There are two possible options here regarding business expense claims:

    1. Wait until the business has generated the necessary income and then claim
    2. Introduce your own working capital into your business and then you can pay yourself back. It sounds a bit like robbing Peter to pay Paul, but the input of capital shows in the company accounts as a loan from the director to the company or as capital introduced by the sole trader to their business.

    What are HMRC Advisory Fuel Rates?

    HMRC Advisory Fuel Rates are the recommended amounts when you are reclaiming the fuel element on business mileage in a company car. HMRC reviews these rates every quarter. These rates only apply to Standard Rate VAT registered companies. They’re used to calculate:

    • The amount of VAT to reclaim on business mileage in a personal vehicle
    • How much employers can reimburse employees for business travel in their company cars
    • How much employees need to reimburse employers for private travel in their company cars.

    From 1st December 2022, the Advisory Fuel rates are:

    Engine size Petrol Diesel LPG Electric*
    1,400cc or less 13p 10p 9p
    1,600cc or less 13p 9p
    1,401cc – 2,000cc 15p 11p 9p
    1,601cc to 2, 15p 9p
    Over 2,000cc. 23p 20p 17p 9p

    * Fully electric cars only. Hybrid cars claim at the petrol or diesel rate. Electricity is not classed as a fuel for car fuel benefit purposes.

    You can find previous rates at the website Advisory Fuel Rates page.

    Using the advisory fuel rates above, you can calculate what percentage of the business mileage rate applies to fuel and calculate the VAT on that element. We have a Crunch Advisory Fuel Rates Spreadsheet that calculates the amounts for you.

    How do Advisory Fuel Rates work in practice?

    Example One – Reclaiming VAT on mileage

    Jane bought petrol and travelled 100 miles in her own car with an engine capacity of 2500cc.

    Based on an advisory rate of 23p per mile, £23 would be attributed to the fuel (out of the overall £45 mileage claim). As this £23 is VAT inclusive (that is, £23 equals 120% of the fuel cost), the VAT element is calculated by dividing the figure by 6 giving an amount of £3.83.

    Example Two – Paying employer for private fuel on a company car

    Jack made a round trip of 50 miles to see relatives in a diesel-engined company car with 1600cc capacity.

    50 miles at an advisory rate of 13p per mile means Jack will be required to pay £6.50 for the personal trip.

    Example Three – Claiming mileage on a company car

    Helen bought diesel for her company car with an engine capacity of 1650cc, travelling 300 miles for work.

    300 miles at an advisory rate of 15p per mile means the employer will reimburse Helen £45 for business miles.

    Claim business mileage effortlessly with Tripcatcher

    Whether you’re on the road every day or just make the occasional business trip, it pays to keep track of your mileage – you’ll reduce your tax bill and end up with more money in your pocket.

    The good news is that this just got a whole lot easier. Crunch Pro and Premium clients can use Tripcatcher to accurately record and monitor their business mileage – at no extra cost. By integrating directly with your Crunch account, Tripcatcher does all the hard work for you.

    You can log mileage via the Tripcatcher web app, but there’s also a fantastic mobile app available for iPhones/iPads and Android devices – great for recording mileage on the go.

    Cut down on data entry

    We think you’ll love Tripcatcher. It includes loads of great time-saving features, including the ability to create recurring trips if you travel between the same location over a set period of time. Simply enter the route and which days you made the journey – Tripcatcher will do the rest.

    Claim the correct mileage

    Not sure how far you’ve travelled? Simply bash in the ‘to’ and ‘from’ postcodes – Tripcatcher will then use Google Maps to plot the route and work out the mileage. If you’re using the mobile app, you can enable GPS tracking to automate the whole process.

    Get started today

    Can’t wait to get started? If you're a Pro or Premium client, head over to your Crunch account, go to the ‘Subscription’ section under ‘Your Account’ and find the Tripcatcher tile. Under Tripcatcher, select ‘Activate’. You’ll just need to create a password for Tripcatcher (the email you use for Crunch will be pre-populated).

    Don’t forget, Tripcatcher is free to all Crunch Pro and Premium limited companies clients, so you won’t have to pay a penny extra to use it.

    If you choose not to use Tripcatcher, you can still record your mileage in Crunch by following the business mileage instructions in our Crunch Help Centre.

    Crunch Business mileage spreadsheet

    If you’re a Crunch limited company Pro or Premium client, our Tripcatcher app is the best way to log record and upload business mileage to our system. If you’re not yet a Crunch client, the best way to record your business mileage on a day-to-day basis is with a business mileage expenses spreadsheet which, as luck would have it, you’ll find right here!

    Download our Crunch Free Business Mileage spreadsheet

    Free business mileage claim form spreadsheet (2023/24)

    Free business mileage claim form spreadsheet (2022/23)

    Free business mileage claim form spreadsheet (2021/22)

    Finally, please note that there’s no prescribed, HMRC-approved mileage claim form template. You just need to give the information to the taxman in a consistent, well-presented way. For this reason, a standard expenses spreadsheet that logs all business mileage, like ours, is always a good idea.

    If you’ve had enough of juggling spreadsheets and never finding the right invoice, your business needs Crunch’s free accounting software, whether you are a freelancer, sole trader or limited company. We are the UK’s most cost-effective online accounting service, with an award-winning Customer Service team and Chartered Certified accountants.

    We have no hidden fees, no limitations, but a wide range of accounting software features that help you easily manage your business. If you need more information, you can talk to our expert online accountants, payroll experts and even VAT specialists.

    Is it time for your Self Assessment? The Crunch team can also complete and file that to HMRC for a one-off fee. We have a powerful online system and fully-trained accountants to relieve you of stressing about those numbers.

    Need more help?

    All of the above comments are for your information only. We always recommend speaking to an accountant for a more in-depth analysis of your circumstances.

    If you don't have an accountant or are looking to switch, give our friendly team a call on 01273 257165 or arrange a free consultation.

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