In need of a tax calculator?

Whether you are after a self-employed tax calculator, a dividend calculator or a corporation tax calculator, Crunch has you covered.
Instantly see if you could be more tax-efficient and work out your income after tax, giving you a good overview of your finances.

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Our free tax calculators

Give our range of tax calculators a try so you can have a clear view of your tax and income. Simple and free calculators at your fingertips.

Capital gains calculator

Use our Capital Gains Tax calculator to work out the tax you owe, and see if you could save money in areas of your company setup.

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Dividend tax calculator

Use our dividend tax calculator to work out how much dividend tax you need to pay on any investments.

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Income tax calculator

Use our take-home pay calculator to work out the Income Tax and National Insurance you owe on your self-employed earnings.

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Mileage tax calculator

Use our mileage claim calculator to work out how much your mileage allowance is.

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Take home pay calculator

Use our Take-Home Pay Calculator to work out your true earnings.

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VAT calculator

Check how much VAT you need to pay with our super simple calculator.

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Tax rebate calculator

Quickly work out how much tax refund you could be owed from HMRC.

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Corporation tax calculator

Easily work out how much corporation tax you owe on the profits of your limited company.

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Business Asset disposal relief calculator

See how you can benefit from this form of tax relief if you’re closing down or selling your business.

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Tax on foreign income UK calculator

Check how much UK tax you need to pay after your foreign income while living in the UK.

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Pension contribution calculator

See how much will be paid into your pension by you and your employer.

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Pension tax relief calculator

Calculate how much tax relief you can get on your pension this tax year.

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Emergency tax calculator

Calculate how much emergency tax you may need to pay on your withdrawals from your pension.

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