
Award-winning selection of articles, business guides and tools to steer your business to being a big success


Personal finance

Love couple senior and hand holding the umbrella with stack of coins money on natural green background,

Personal finance

Explore the implications of the UK's potential triple lock pension changes for 2024. Learn about alternative low-risk and innovative investment options to secure your retirement.

Terraced british houses

Personal finance

Discover the 5 best places to sell a home in the UK based on housing demand and average selling times. Make informed decisions for a smoother, quicker sale.

Terraced houses in Liverpool

Personal finance

Explore the top 5 easiest places to buy a house in the UK based on affordability and availability. Ideal for first-time buyers looking to get on the property ladder.

beach property

Personal finance

Discover the essentials of buying a property abroad: from choosing the perfect location to understanding local laws. Turn your dream holiday home into a rewarding investment with our expert tips.

Stress-free tax returns

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Online accounting 

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Business guides 

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Keep calm and fix that mortgage rate, image of someone signing a mortgage contract | Crunch
Personal finance

Rob Starr advises us not to panic even if an increase to mortgage interest rates is likely to happen, and very soon.

How important are savings if you want to retire early?, image of a retiree on a bench | Crunch
Personal finance

Saving is bit of a boring word, but it is a vital part of the process if you are looking to retire early.

How to build a compounding machine, image of a tree growing out of money | Crunch
Personal finance

Building a compounding machine is an incredibly important part of achieving financial independence, but not everybody understands how to get started.

What is an umbrella company mortgage?, image of a couple receiving their keys | Crunch
Personal finance

If you're working through an umbrella company and looking for your perfect mortgage, we have the answer for you.

The aggregation of marginal gains, image of a rocket | Crunch
Personal finance

Reaching financial independence is a matter of patience, persistence, and the aggregation of marginal gains.

The three numbers that can help make you a millionaire, image of someone printing money | Crunch
Personal finance

We all know that there’s no such thing as a get rich quick scheme, but that doesn’t mean becoming a millionaire isn’t within your grasp.

How to claim the fifth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant, image of someone wiping a table | Crunch
Personal finance

HMRC will allow you to apply for the fifth and final COVID-19 Self-Employed Income Support Scheme grant (SEISS) in July 2021.

What are the tax implications of paying into a personal pension? (Image of bricklayer building a wall)
Personal finance

Whatever your business situation, there are significant tax reliefs for pension contributions available. So you can pay less tax and save for your future!

Image of a camera with a broken lens
Personal finance

Professional Indemnity insurance should be considered by any self-employed worker who is providing design, advice or specifications.

Ill freelancer
Personal finance

Executive Income Protection- A tax efficient way of protecting your income. Here's what you should know and how to make the most of it.

An ill self-employed worker
Personal finance

We take a look at Income Protection Insurance and how it can be beneficial for the self-employed in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Company Director buying Life Insurance
Personal finance

Did you know that you could make a substantial tax saving on your premiums by taking out what is called ‘relevant life insurance’?

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July 7, 2023

I have been with Crunch for many years. I wanted to express my appreciation for the exceptional services provided by Crunch. Their professionalism, attention to detail, and expertise have been invaluable in managing my finances effectively. Working with them has been a pleasure, and I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking reliable and knowledgeable accountants.


Stew L

July 6, 2023

As someone that’s new to being self employed, Crunch made the whole set up process easy. From my initial call to understand the process, the check ins to see how I was doing to actually going ahead. Once I was set up the support team were amazing at answering the millions of questions I had and they’re always at the end of the phone or email if I need them. I even had a full 45 minute call to walk through the full system which was amazing.



June 29, 2023

I really appreciated the way the Crunch staff member adjusted to my knowledge and confidence level - which was relatively low. She helped me work out what I needed to do and was incredibly helpful and patient as I went through my interminable snagging list. This has been my experience with Crunch staff in general - but when tasks build up, it's easy to put off direct contact - when, in fact, this makes all the difference.


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