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Employment law

Time off for dependants - family emergencies and Parental Bereavement Leave. Image of a couple sharing their grief

Employment law

Did you know that in many circumstances employees now have the right to take time off work to deal with an emergency involving someone who depends on them?

The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003. Image of someone analysing contracts

Employment law

It’s a long title, but these Regulations are important for Limited Company Contractors (or Personal Service Companies) and agency temps.

Gender, ethnicity, and executive pay gaps and gender pay gap reporting. Image of a woman leading a corporate meeting | Crunch

Employment law

In 2015, the Equality Act 2010 was amended to require employers to reveal details of their gender pay gap. What what this mean for business?

Equal Opportunities and Discrimination (Equality Act 2010), image of group of people working around a desk | Crunch

Employment law

We take a look the Equality Act and how this must be implemented at work, what this means for small businesses, and why it's important.

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Paternity Leave and Pay. Image of a father with a baby | Crunch
Employment law

Following the birth of a child or an adoption placement, fathers, spouses and partners/civil partners who are employees have a right to paternity leave.

Do I have to do jury service? Image of Lady Justice
Employment law

The simple answer, is yes – jury service is a public duty, and you must serve unless disqualified or excused by the judge, what grounds are there to defer?

Flexible working and the right to request time off for training. Image of woman being trained at her desk | Crunch
Employment law

From June 30th 2014, all employees will have the right to request flexible working if they have 26 weeks service. How will this affect small businesses?

Two businesswomen working at a glass wall
Employment law

Although many commentators believe that the AWR were not intended to apply to ‘professionals’ with their own limited companies it is certainly possible.

Equal Opportunities and Discrimination (Equality Act 2010), image of group of people working around a desk | Crunch
Employment law

We take a look the Equality Act and how this must be implemented at work, what this means for small businesses, and why it's important.

Your employer is making you redundant but has offered you another job – must you accept it? Image of woman packing up her desk | Crunch
Employment law

Your job is at risk of redundancy, and your employer has offered you redeployment to another job in the same company. Are you obliged to take it?

Crunch - Health and Safety - Health and safety for the self-employed
Employment law

When you're self-employed, health and safety in the workplace isn't always at the forefront of your mind - but it should be.

What is a contractor? Image of an independent contractor agreement
Employment law

A Contractor provides services to a specific client under specific terms. Here's what defines a contractor, and what rights you have when working as one.

Employment intermediaries rules: how to work out if you're affected, image of co-workers talking | Crunch
Employment law

When is a business classed as an intermediary, and what does this mean for intermediary businesses and contractors? Our article has the information you need to know about employment intermediaries, whether your business is one, and what is expected of you if you are.

What happens if I'm injured at a client's premises? Laws on lone-working explained. Image of injured woman sat at home
Employment law

What can freelancers and contractors do if they are injured during their job at a client's premises? We explore the legislation.

Small businesses and contractors – all you need to know about lone working. Image of a man working alone
Employment law

An estimated 22% of the UK’s working population are lone working, so employers and contractors need to consider if this is an issue for them.

Can your employer spy on you? Image of a security camera in an office | Crunch
Employment law

How likely is it that your employer or client will be keeping an eye on you? In the eyes of the law, can your employer spy on you at work?

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